Friday, November 9, 2012

Is the grass greener?

Luke 12:34 "For where your treasure is,there your heart will be also."

Everyone has heard the phrase "the grass is always greener on the other side."  Recently I was going to work and I just happened to turn on the radio.  Some rap some came on and the guy said, "the grass is green where you water it."  I have to admit that I turned the station but that phrase was stuck in my head.  It is true.  That is why everyone spends so much money watering their grass in the keep it green.  Bottom line:  the areas that we pay attention to will flourish, the areas that are ignored will whither away.  I constantly have to ask myself where am I focusing my attention.  Am I focused on things that matter or trivial things?  Am I making an investment in relationships that matter or ones that just bring me down?  Is my focus on God or on things that take me away from God? 

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